narcissistic ramblings

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

joy overfloweth, my lost in translation is the belle of the ball. she's up for a best picture oscar, oh yes. i love the golden globes because we get both comedy and drama pictures awarded, when they're pitted against each other in the oscars it's less fun.. i love that LOTR AND LIT can both win.. but if there must be one you know it must be LIT, it's just a better overall movie, but i definitely think LOTR has the best chance. it really is awesome that all three were nominated for best picture. quite an achievement. and has peter jackson won for directing yet? because i know you want that frank but dammit sofia could be the FIRST FEMALE DIRECTOR to ever win that and cmon, that would be monumental and definitely well deserved. you haven't even fucking seen the movie yet have you? go to pleasure island right now. jesus.

so oscar night will be very big and exciting, but even if things don't go to plan, it's still lovely because...

best musical/comedy picture at golden globes, thank you.

best actor for wonderful bill murray, thank you.

best original screenplay for miss sofia coppola, thank you.

too bad for my girl scarlet tho, snubbed at globes and completely forgotten for oscar.. but jesus christ johnny depp is up for his first oscar! that's pretty damn cool. and this is bill's first nom too! i love how rich the best actor category is.. johnny, my love, one of the greatest actors of his generation, first ever nom, sean penn is everyone's favorite actor, jude is possibly the most beautiful man in the world and a damn fine actor, ben kingsley is my favorite living actor, and bill gave my favorite performance of the year probably and will likely win. that's great company.

well i guess i have to see master and commander now. ugh i have no idea what the deal is with that movie, i'm so not into it. but good news: hurray for samantha morton! she is fanfuckintastic. will lose gracefully to charlize and i'll love her all the more for it.

am very glad for charlize, won for Monster and up for oscar too, she was phenomenal really, that movie was like a blow to the head.. i was weak after it. go see it and know what i'm talking about. it sold out one of the giganto theatres at winter park village and i was so embarrassed having to leave with all those people, tears previously streaming down my cheeks, my eyes were probably all bloodshot, i just looked down and walked fast. very few movies have gotten to me so hard. goddamn circumstance. she's placed in the most unforgiving godforsaken situations and there's just no limit as to how far she can fall. there were all these kids in the theatre to see all the girl-on-girl stuff and they were screaming and whistling when that all first happened and i was so pissed off that i had to go through this incredible movie with this shit blocking it but as things progressed there were no more screams. that'll teach em.

Friday, January 23, 2004

wow so the money is like - gone. that's amazing. but hey i finally have a dvd player. went to circuit city the one day frank doesn't work apparently. and bought bras (!) a much needed thing, and they're fanfreakintastic. a good bra is hard to beat. god bless em.
still need flea/tick medicine for the poor weener dog. and have yet to buy sushi. if anyone knows of a cheap good sushi buffet type place to replace Oriental Buffet i'd like to know where it is.
meanwhile, i might be dying. and my nails are painted. it lasts forever on my toes but only for a matter of hours on the fingers. how do people get it to stay on? it comes right off when you.. well, gnaw on it.
jordan and i are into opera music hardcore right now. jordan's all into Yo Yo Ma. Andrea Bocelli rocks my socks off. and there's this amazing song from something by Puccini called Nessum Dorma that everyone should download.
also, i have this nifty ad zapper thing i've started turning on but you still get plenty of pop up ads and really it just restricts me from opening up second parts of webpages in new windows.. so that's fun.
i'm really really really looking forward to Monster this weekend. probably friday night or saturday afternoon if anyone wants to come. everyone's giving it 5 stars.
i'm writing a quick paper on the political parties in Iceland right now. they're pretty 50/50 liberal/conservative too. can't win em all.
for all lewis black fans, my brother is writing up a short message to be spoken over the intercom on senior night at his soccer game and it may include "if it weren't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that last year in soccer". and also maybe "i like my women like i like my coffee... covered in bees." should be fun.
i miss y2k. i can't wait to send bush to mars. pray for dear rover. the nearest stars are 25 trillion miles away. it takes 200 million years for light from the nearest galaxy to reach us. i love MadTV. and the Cure. and stalling.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

yea the problem we have here.. is that clark may be better for our purposes than dean. you've seen the crazy dean footage. um. and michael moore has his points. ain't no republicans switching over to vote for dean. whereas a few smart republicans may be tired of bush's shinanigans and switch to vote for clark who they must trust more militarily, a word. so in reality, when you think about it, clark is probably a better bet. dammit. and he's even maybe more liberal when you look at both guys' takes on all the issues.. i can't find what clark says about the death penalty, let me know when you do, but dean said he liked the death penalty in some cases, that's sucky, so maybe clark isn't full of shit after all. hey, i like dean too. he's a straight talker and he would make gay marriage legal and all that fun stuff. but we've got a mission here. harumph indeed. now let's get over it and get it done.
call me tomorrow c'il vous plait, before 3 if you can otherwise i'm calling you again from work and you'll have to pick up this time, i have electronics questions pour tu.

we got my pell grant this weekend and today spent $260 on groceries. yes indeedy. paid all bills. paid rent. goodbye financial obligations for a few weeks! hello gasoline! hello good 3 for the price of 2 movies at hollywood video/movie gallery including monsoon wedding, bowling for columbine and tadpole! hello sushi! god i love sushi. "they say that money isn't everything, but i'd like to see you live without it."

so i've suddenly gotten interested in this because i never fully understood what it was, so i've just looked it up online and just so everyone knows now, chinese water torture is when single drops of water fall onto i guess your head many many times for a number of hours, which when you think about it is actually very gruesome, nasty headache, sore spots, not fun at all... so that's interesting. i'm taking astronomy now you know, and it's great and i'm retaining all of this knowledge because it's fascinating, and i just looked up where the vernal equinox is on the earth and one website tells me "Of course, the vernal equinox is a fictitious point on the celestial sphere and cannot be observed directly. From the known coordinates of observed stars, however, the location of the vernal equinox can be deduced." but there's nothing else about where the fuck it is. someone tell me where the vernal equinox is.

fun fact: sean astin, better known as samwise gamgee and, in my family, Rudy, is the son of Patty Duke, youngest person to win an oscar in 1962 at age of 16 for playing helen keller in The Miracle Worker, and former TV Addams Family "Gomez" John Astin. His brother is Mackenzie Astin, who is very pretty. so there you go.

Friday, January 16, 2004

likes to talk about her fun weekend the following thursdayyy....

jenn and i got drunk on white zephendale, which was good for a white wine, (but it's pink), and doesn't make you feel bad the next day and kicks in right away apparently, or i'm becoming a lightweight or something, which is bad socially but not economically when you think about it, and not for the liver eyether. we grilled and sang to sinatra and modest mouse and danced the twist, it was a good time. one day we will share an apartment in boston. and i will plug my ears as she has noisy sex down the hall. there are so many storylines that follow that where do i stop

ok mike likes clark. i don't know what to think now. help. somebody make a decision for me. ( i'm really beginning to think that dean is the best chance to win. clark is not different enough from bush, i feel like we need a stark contrast to wake people up. people are sleeping right now! and yes i probably agree with clark on more issues, but yer right it just may be too perfect, he's kind of like that male model, who you think is hot, but there's something off about him, and then you realize, hey he likes cock.

speaking of cock, i like the new incubus song. and i kind of like the video too. they're talking to bush right? i think they're trying to be a cool band again. it's still not s.c.i.e.n.c.e quality stuff, but it's rockin and i enjoy it. have i already asked everyone or can someone tell me what s.c.i.e.n.c.e stands for? i've been lazily trying to find that out for 7 years. like what does radiohead's w.a.s.t.e stand for? why all the acronyms?

i really want to be 21 so i can come home after work and get a wine buzz.

lost in translation still in theatre but also out on video feb. 2 or 3 according to can expect it here then. i keep walking by the dancer upstairs, frank, but i hesitate to get it because i don't know if you can watch it with me. i asked you about new york on your live journal, i just realized march 7th.. sopranos starts.. the first week of march is my spring break and i'd really really really like to come up there and trampse around with you but i don't know if you'll be there then. buying tickets in advance is sort of necessary for new york, i hear. i want to i want to i want to let's do this.

i'm starting into a hugh grant obsession, so i want to see love actually again, it's only playing at altamonte 8, and rebecca, if you want to go and drag frank i'd love to meet up with you guys again. give me a little ringy dingy. also frank: i'm reading frankenstein right now for contemporary humanities. i remember you dug that in high school, we'll talk about it soon. nite.

Friday, January 09, 2004


this time it really is back.

go now.

it's like blog mad cow disease. everyone's got it!

the rambling has been and will always be my trademark francis, note the subtitle of this thang. ya heard.

i'm keeping the last samurai at arm's length still. i just don't know if i'm ready to love again! i've had enough disappointment.. i'm scared ok? i don't want to get hurt like last time. i know you promise me the world but can i really take it? do i really deserve that? and what about them? what makes you think we can make it? oh i just don't know. if my heart breaks in two i may never be able to live again. see i can write soap dialogue. uh oh, sounds awfully like someone..

i am a concession master. i run concessions like nobody's business. i want to open a restaurant. i want to go to a night cooking class and learn great things and meet people like angela's dad on my so-called life. ! god i love that show. the 5th season of sex in the city was a jip. how do you spell jip? is it gyp? jyp? jjjjiiiyyyppp? juan's comments are mean. hey juan: message included: quick wit, warm-heartedness, over-exaggerated star-trekkiness, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. i'm on fire.

i get to go on a field trip! no really. a field trip. my humanities class is going to the dali museum in st. pete on feb. 21st. how great is that? i don't even like dali and i'm super excited. well yknow about bus rides. i like bus rides. and it's a bus ride with nate who doesn't really like me and i don't really like him but it's kind of a fun idea anyway. i like how we're friends enough to know that we'll be sitting with each other on the bus. that's a good thing to have around. we may meet up with dear jennifer, who i'll be seeing this weekend if all goes to plan. it's time for drunkenness and grilling and breadmaking! hoo-rah!

i watched T2 tonight. that's a fun one. i have to write a paper over the weekend about whether or not scientists should have to limit their pursuit of knowledge by ethics.. and that seems understandable, and our scary futuristic movies tell us it's damned necessary, but then i hate the idea of putting a glass ceiling on knowledge, and they're movies for chrissake, haven't they even helped in preventing some of that hullabaloo? like we know what happens when we make machines that are too smart.. they start killing us and take over the world and send terminators back in time to kill us some more.. obviously... so don't we understand with our great minds for fiction what not to do now? the problem is we can't even imagine what mischief we're heading into. we've not invented the story for all that yet. that's interesting. and i can't ramble humorously thru this paper because it's supposed to be a serious persuasive thing, which is sad. i say be casual with everything always! dress, conversation, political speeches, eulogies. go for it like you're in your pajamas! restrictions be damned!

you know what song is great? queen's "find me somebody to love". yknow they say freddie mercury went backstage to get some attention from a male friend every night before the encore.. now that's the way to go.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

so i saw some very good movies last weekend. 21 Grams was gripping and interesting and had great acting by mr. penn, mr. del toro, and ms. watts. it jumped all around in time and that was interesting but for the life of me i can't seem to remember how the movie ends right now thinking back on it.. i know the major event but i don't remember the final feeling it gave me, only it kind of fizzled out and you're left sort of wanting something else i know... i see benicio and naomi standing in the waiting room looking out the window and.. what was after that? maybe nothing. so that was a strange movie-going experience. but we saw mike cortada! didn't talk to him but dammit he looked very good. mike cortada is a supreme masturbation fantasy. that's his purpose. In America was as funny and sweet and touching as the reviews said.. there was an E.T. motif and you can't go wrong with that.. the little girls were amazing actors, and of course samantha morton is incredible in everything. there's the most wonderful song in the credits at the end, completely tops off the whole thing perfectly. and then the kicker.. House of Sand and Fog. i didn't really want to see it from the previews, something about the plot didn't interest me at all, and jennifer connolly really kind of annoys me. but ben kingsley is my favorite living actor. and he proved yet again that he deserves that title. what the hell is up with that guy? is he an alien? how can all of his performances be so flawless? i don't understand. i shake my head at him and sigh. this is one of the most engrossing movies i've seen in a long time. it reels you in and you're transfixed for over 2 hours and it's really mesmorizing.. it's visually stunning, the acting is tremendous at worst, the plot kills you, you are destroyed by the end of it, it's an incredible motion picture. it seems to stay with you like acid stays in you, in your spine and in your hair.. since it technically came out last year, i must add it as nearly a tie for my favorite drama of last year..

so 21 Grams = ****
In America = *****
and House of Sand and Fog = *****

go see these movies, or at least those last two. or at least that last one. man.

Thursday, January 01, 2004

ugh you just get in a rut and seem to have n o t h i n g to say on this thing sometimes. but ok i love talking about movies, i could do it all day, and there is that year in review thing you do so let's.. since i conveniently keep all of my movie ticket stubs and am able to actually review, this is fun:

well yknow some of the best movies at the beginning of the year are actually 2002 movies but just got here late - Chicago, Adaptation, About Schmidt, The Hours, The Quiet American. i need to see The Quiet American again because it was probably my favorite drama of last year but i can never find it on VHS. i may need to make a resolution to get a DVD player.

good/great dramas of the year also include: Rabbit-Proof Fence, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Talk To Her, The Pianist, Northfork (v.good), Seabiscuit (it's hard to hate it), The Secret Lives of Dentists, Mystic River, The Station Agent, Pieces of April, The Return of the King, Elephant, Cold Mountain, Big Fish (the best holiday movie by far).. still waiting for 21 Grams

great action could be found in: The Recruit, Willard (i like rodents, what can i say), X2, The Matrix Reloaded (tho it was a crappy ass movie, still haven't seen the 3rd one..), Pirates of the Caribbean, 28 Days Later, Open Range (yes i said it, one of the greatest gun fights ever), Once Upon a Time in Mexico (also got my vote for longest title), KILL BILL VOL. 1, Return of the King again, and really Cold Mountain again too.. freakin scary battle scene that i haven't seen the likes of before.

good/great comedy: Old School, A Mighty Wind, Down with Love, Bruce Almighty, Finding Nemo, Pirates, Lost in Translation, Love Actually, Elf, Something's Gotta Give

Funniest Movie: Lost in Translation

Scariest Movie: 28 Days later and the first half of Elephant

i think it's safe to say the Lord of the Rings is the greatest movie trilogy of all time.. that's pretty cool

Great Documentaries: Jeff Buckley, Winged Migration

Most Disappointing Movie(s): The Life of David Gale, Daredevil, Phonebooth, The Crime of Father Amaro, The Matrix Reloaded, Bad Santa

Worst damn movie of the year, so bad it makes me twitch with hatred: The Life of David Gale

and of course.. the best movie of the year, my absolute favorite in probably a few years: Lost in Translation. back in theatres now kids. altamonte 8. 9pm. go. see. it. bill's getting an oscar, yes he is.