rufus wainwright's new cd, Want Two, the second part to his superfantastic Want One, is now out and FABULOUS and comes with an hour and a half long dvd of one of his concerts and i just got it at best buy for only $14.99!!!! a cd and a dvd! so that's glorious. rufus is glorious. tho he makes the ugliest faces i've ever seen when he's singing, it's kind of funny if it weren't such a contrast to his normal beautifulness. je t'adore, rufus! i'm now revisiting all older albums i usually ignore.. oh how sweet they are.. he's touring with keane in europe, v.jealous of europeans as usual, but hey i get to see keane at the end of january, woohoo! if you want a sample of the best of Want Two, download Memphis Skyline.. jesus it's beautiful. other than that, good christmas, got America the book, yay!, and things that are good for me like electric toothbrush, blender, shirt that looks supergood, gas money, all well done. officially unemployed and loving every minute of it. hunting for internships/volunteer work/etc as soon as i submit my film portfolio this week, as soon as i do that, after new years fun in tampa with jenn, hootie hoo... some rufus: "better pray for your sins. cuz the gay messiah's coming. no it will not be me. rufus the baptist i be. no i won't be the one baptized in cum." mwah

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