i know.. i should be posting something here by now.. i have been preoccupied by, well, gay sex as per usual, but also my new band obsession interpol and halloween costumes of late. i was a nun, i had a ruler, it was fun. then i had two jello shots which bookended two strong cocktails and i threw up three times, for fuck's sake. how can alcohol make you feel so lovely most of the time and then sometimes it feels like you're about to die? because that horrible overdrunk feeling that hits you an hour later is simultaneously making you want to puke and making you almost pass out, and i don't know how those two things fit together but somehow they manage and it feels. like. shit. so what i'm thinking is no types of shots ever, not even jello, none whatsoever. ever. again. i don't know why i'm apparently such a lightweight but i am and those are my cards and i'm fuckin folding. or something.
monday nights are lovely for their laziness and the west wing marathons on bravo, that's what's going on behind me right now. i want tomorrow night to be here so fucking bad, i want to know who wins this election so fucking bad. i have a good feeling and am also nervous as hell. i feel like i'm seeing more kerry stickers on cars than bush stickers. but then there are only bush people holding up signs on the sides of roads with shit-eating grins on their faces, happy go lucky fuckers (i say so with affection), all white people who wear their jeans too high around their waists. i give them all thumbs down, i hope they can see through my window. whatever. let the white people wave their Viva Bush! signs! lol. this country is ready for a change and i think it's about to get one. get ready for a guy who can speak in complete sentences. get ready for some normal problems that don't make you nauseous or want to move to canada. and relax, bush people, you'll make it out ok, the world's not going to end, bitch as much as you want but in four years you may have changed your tune.

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