well..um..i seem to have sold out and started a livejournal..but i'm not completely evil, i'm really more just incredibly pathetic, you see, i'm using it soully for queer as folk purposes at the moment, yeah, heh, like this lovely icon says, so i'm putting my thoughts on life here, and my thoughts on gay sex and related matters there, link to the left. you see, you can't read some people's lovely qaf thoughts unless you're a lj user and we can't have that, and somehow i'm going to become a creative icon creator person, somehow. livejournal is completely foreign to me and mine's super duper ugly right now but maybe with time i'll get somewhere good, somewhere emmett and brian and justin would approve of, but mainly emmett because big nelly bottoms are always best at design somehow. i want a "Fabulous!" stamp of approval. we'll see. so i guess jenn is the only one coming to my livejournal, and i have no problem with that.. so hurray for obsession. and goodnight. and good hurricane. ahem

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