second post in a whole month? who am i - alan?! what have i been up to.. well... i skipped away with two Bs and two As this semester.. i just put my two weeks' notice in with blockbuster because my store manager is a FUCKASS and they can't pay me enough to work with that guy seriously, so my last day is the day after christmas.. i just got back from the lovliest little new england trip with jenn where we got on each others' nerves surprisingly little and took shockingly poor quality pictures giddily and dumbly (so many adverbs! what to do!).. i'm getting kristin's car for like two and a half weeks in exchange for rides to and from the airport, woohoo, starting tuesday.. i decorated our christmas tree tonight with just lights and it was super pretty but i wanted something to go on top and so i cut out a big heart and colored it red with dying markers from literally middle school and wrote in big black letters on it, "Johnson LOVE" and taped it up there.. woofreakinhoo.. so that's pretty and fun. i love christmas.
do i have another job lined up, you ask? no. am i deadset on getting another job? well no not exactly. is this smart of me? it may or may not be depending on who you are. the family is all working so that's ok i guess even tho it's probably not a great idea to stop contributing altogether, but this semester in a screenwriting class and discovering wonderful fan fiction and seeing great movies about writers, like Sideways, has really gotten me inspired to write lately, i need to start thinking about scripts i'd like to work on for the entire film program (oh and i need to submit a damn portfolio so i can get into said program by the end of this month) and i'm thinking about stuff like short stories, and um, well, yeah, i've kinda been writing my own fan fiction and posting it on that other obsessive lj thing i have and no that's not getting me into a career of sorts (tho god i dream of such possibilities) but it's a wonderful like, writing muscle flexing tool.. very cool to have any outlet at all that inspires me to write when all life before this was just journaling and farting around with school essays, blah. so nice to finally feel creative. and i'd really be interested in starting up an internship of some kind relating to my future career in film.. i feel ready to like, start something with my career right now, weird i know, i'm usually totally not ready for this stuff. so i may get an unpaid internship and concentrate on writing for a bit until UCF can get me a workstudy job in the summer. and when i think about lazy romantic exciting notions like this i can't tell you how much of a bummer it is to think about the realities of having to work and make money to survive. some of us were really designed to be born into millions, you know? ; )
so new york and boston were fantastico. but especially new york. boston had lost some of its magic because it wasn't new this time and there was less time and less to do because stupid jenn isn't 21 (sorry babe) and things didn't flow quite so well there for some reason, but it was still great to just wander around like we lived there.. cept for the touristy taking pictures in front of giant squirrels type moments. the common is still the nicest thing. we saw three movies there, testosterone (terrible but gay sex so par), kinsey (great), and ocean's twelve (great, but we snuck little bottles of liquor into the theatre, so..) but in new york, everything just flowed perfectly. the first day of the trip was the best. we were high off less than three hours' sleep the night before (no more morning flights please, can't handle it) and just giddy as all fuck to be in our dreamy showtune city and ate hot dogs in central park and saw a space show that was amazing at the museum of natural history and mastered the subway real quick and ate really great pizza and smelled the cold and the newyorkiness hehe.. and then that night we were looking for something to do and we see the broken social scene is playing a show, this indie band that we found from queer as folk because they provide the soundtrack to like the greatest qaf scene ever (Lover's Spit, oh how i love you) and we call and it's sold out but jenn has balls so we go down there anyway and stick it out thru our insecurities and somehow talk to people and meet the lead singer ! who's so nice and cool and got a picture with him and he tried getting us onto the guest list but we eventually scored tickets off some other kids and made it into this great little ballroom with these masses of nyc kids at this amazing show and the band was phenomenal. we met boys and got burgers with them afterwards and talked about tender blowjobs? and cabbed home and wow just the most amazing day ever. second day was touristy - statue of liberty, empire state building, almost nude male preview at scum porn shop ha, rockafeller center, soup kitchen, roasted nuts, radio city music hall.. fuckin cold! we walked around with so much clothes and it wasn't even blinding cold but dammit it was fuckin cold. there were women in skirts and fancy shoes. psychos. so anyway. i'm moving to new york. not boston. boston is all white people and college students. new york is magic and spirit and this tangible realness that you can touch and smell and taste. i will be a very rich dog walker and struggling writer.
kristin and axel are in town, woohoo, and we went to the most fabulous gay club last night - Pulse, it's new. there are stripper/dancer boys who are faaaabulous, stylishly hip design, and fun danciness in a tiny room. i'm going back wednesday when under 21 friends can get in and then finnnallly indie bar on thursday.. oh god how i miss the dancing.. and my club boy love. i've written him a note that i may or may not ever slip into his pocket with or without him noticing me doing it. hmmmmm. gosh he's pretty. the big cities wouldn't let us dance for various reasons, so now i'm itching for it. i love how dancing has taken over my life. it's so great to have that to look forward to every week. i wish i would've found it sooner. i wish there were more good dancing nights besides thursday, but there aren't, at least not at independent bar. still, take what i can get, and what i get is damn good.
so generally, things are good. as you may have ascertained. goodnight.

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