ok let's talk 2004 movies cuz francis reminded me i do that too..
best movies of 2004:
The Dreamers
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Kill Bill Vol.2
Mean Girls
Ned Kelly
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Connie and Carla
Fahrenheit 9/11
Before Sunset
Shaun of the Dead
I Heart Huckabees
Finding Neverland
Favorite: Eternal Sunshine and Finding Neverland are tied (PLEASE GIVE JOHNNY AN OSCAR) but The Dreamers and Birth were really fuckin amazing too
Most Disappointing Movies of 2004 w/ explanations:
Secret Window (horrible ending)
Hidalgo (cheesy)
Troy (wtf?)
Spider-man 2 (hopes were too high and i hate mary jane and stop acting like a soap opera! am i the only one who sees how it's not as good as the first one??)
Garden State (i like it but it really sucked, cliche cliche cliche cliche, blah)
Vanity Fair (how can such a great trailor go so terribly terribly bad?)
A Home at the End of the World (reading the book first ruins everything)
The Motorcycle Diaries (good movie that you don't care about)
Alfie (wtf?)
Bridget Jones 2 (WTF?)
Lemony Snicket.. (couldn't find an audience, it wanted to appeal to kids but then it would put crass humor in there and make the plot twists so mind-numbingly simple so when compared to harry potter it's just stupid seeming, i slap its knuckles with a ruler)
The Aviator (good movie that you don't care about.. entertaining but just.. i don't care. how can scorcese do that so well? i loved cate tho. gangs of ny was way better)
A Very Long Engagement (hopes too high, wasn't as good as Amelie)
The Life Aquatic (good but his worst film, couldn't find good pacing or meaningful resolutions)
Phantom of the Opera (good but not great, i'd never seen the play or heard the music so i wasn't prepared for how campy it is.. minnie driver was good, the masquerade was great, but i'm a les mis person and it just seems shallow when compared to jean val jean pleading with god to take him instead of cosette's boy! oh jean!)
Darkness (was i surprised? i was dragged to this by a horror fan. ba-ad.)
so yeah. and what a new year this is..hm. i've started smoking. i know. did you know cloves make you feel high? well they do. hm. so new resolution is not to die of smoking-related disease.
Yes. Please don't die of a smoking related disease. That would be bad.
-- Ro
12:18 AM
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