yea the problem we have here.. is that clark may be better for our purposes than dean. you've seen the crazy dean footage. um. and michael moore has his points. ain't no republicans switching over to vote for dean. whereas a few smart republicans may be tired of bush's shinanigans and switch to vote for clark who they must trust more militarily, a word. so in reality, when you think about it, clark is probably a better bet. dammit. and he's even maybe more liberal when you look at both guys' takes on all the issues.. i can't find what clark says about the death penalty, let me know when you do, but dean said he liked the death penalty in some cases, that's sucky, so maybe clark isn't full of shit after all. hey, i like dean too. he's a straight talker and he would make gay marriage legal and all that fun stuff. but we've got a mission here. harumph indeed. now let's get over it and get it done.
call me tomorrow c'il vous plait, before 3 if you can otherwise i'm calling you again from work and you'll have to pick up this time, i have electronics questions pour tu.
we got my pell grant this weekend and today spent $260 on groceries. yes indeedy. paid all bills. paid rent. goodbye financial obligations for a few weeks! hello gasoline! hello good 3 for the price of 2 movies at hollywood video/movie gallery including monsoon wedding, bowling for columbine and tadpole! hello sushi! god i love sushi. "they say that money isn't everything, but i'd like to see you live without it."
so i've suddenly gotten interested in this because i never fully understood what it was, so i've just looked it up online and just so everyone knows now, chinese water torture is when single drops of water fall onto i guess your head many many times for a number of hours, which when you think about it is actually very gruesome, nasty headache, sore spots, not fun at all... so that's interesting. i'm taking astronomy now you know, and it's great and i'm retaining all of this knowledge because it's fascinating, and i just looked up where the vernal equinox is on the earth and one website tells me "Of course, the vernal equinox is a fictitious point on the celestial sphere and cannot be observed directly. From the known coordinates of observed stars, however, the location of the vernal equinox can be deduced." but there's nothing else about where the fuck it is. someone tell me where the vernal equinox is.
fun fact: sean astin, better known as samwise gamgee and, in my family, Rudy, is the son of Patty Duke, youngest person to win an oscar in 1962 at age of 16 for playing helen keller in The Miracle Worker, and former TV Addams Family "Gomez" John Astin. His brother is Mackenzie Astin, who is very pretty. so there you go.
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