it's like blog mad cow disease. everyone's got it!
the rambling has been and will always be my trademark francis, note the subtitle of this thang. ya heard.
i'm keeping the last samurai at arm's length still. i just don't know if i'm ready to love again! i've had enough disappointment.. i'm scared ok? i don't want to get hurt like last time. i know you promise me the world but can i really take it? do i really deserve that? and what about them? what makes you think we can make it? oh i just don't know. if my heart breaks in two i may never be able to live again. see i can write soap dialogue. uh oh, sounds awfully like someone..
i am a concession master. i run concessions like nobody's business. i want to open a restaurant. i want to go to a night cooking class and learn great things and meet people like angela's dad on my so-called life. ! god i love that show. the 5th season of sex in the city was a jip. how do you spell jip? is it gyp? jyp? jjjjiiiyyyppp? juan's comments are mean. hey juan: message included: quick wit, warm-heartedness, over-exaggerated star-trekkiness, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. i'm on fire.
i get to go on a field trip! no really. a field trip. my humanities class is going to the dali museum in st. pete on feb. 21st. how great is that? i don't even like dali and i'm super excited. well yknow about bus rides. i like bus rides. and it's a bus ride with nate who doesn't really like me and i don't really like him but it's kind of a fun idea anyway. i like how we're friends enough to know that we'll be sitting with each other on the bus. that's a good thing to have around. we may meet up with dear jennifer, who i'll be seeing this weekend if all goes to plan. it's time for drunkenness and grilling and breadmaking! hoo-rah!
i watched T2 tonight. that's a fun one. i have to write a paper over the weekend about whether or not scientists should have to limit their pursuit of knowledge by ethics.. and that seems understandable, and our scary futuristic movies tell us it's damned necessary, but then i hate the idea of putting a glass ceiling on knowledge, and they're movies for chrissake, haven't they even helped in preventing some of that hullabaloo? like we know what happens when we make machines that are too smart.. they start killing us and take over the world and send terminators back in time to kill us some more.. obviously... so don't we understand with our great minds for fiction what not to do now? the problem is we can't even imagine what mischief we're heading into. we've not invented the story for all that yet. that's interesting. and i can't ramble humorously thru this paper because it's supposed to be a serious persuasive thing, which is sad. i say be casual with everything always! dress, conversation, political speeches, eulogies. go for it like you're in your pajamas! restrictions be damned!
you know what song is great? queen's "find me somebody to love". yknow they say freddie mercury went backstage to get some attention from a male friend every night before the encore.. now that's the way to go.
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