mission completed!
i'm pretty sure i'm getting four A's this semester, v.nice, couldn't expect anything else from a bonehead really, i feel much more learned on the topic of religion, and thankfully my views were not skewed so much as they were strengthened, a good all around time. still, a couple of great kids i will miss and hopefully i have this class with nate next semester and the newfound crush jeremy (i love that name - the name of my first boyfriend in kindergarten, jeremy engles) is hopefully not completely lost to me, tho surely won't hear from him next semester, maybe down the road in future artsy fartsy classes. i really don't want to lose touch with nate, i feel very close to him tho i couldn't tell him that because he finished his final before me and skeedaddled. nate and i should be very good friends for a long time.. if all goes according to my evil plan.
Let some kind saint hold you
It's not love now I'm just through
let hope go, it's a crutch
let this just be new
let old aching be dust
little sage around new doors
oh, there I am, there I am!
this my little relief
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