narcissistic ramblings

Monday, September 29, 2003

The new Outkast is fantastic. "Hey Ya" is the funnest song in the world.


someone offer me a ride to west palm please.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003


"According to a new CNN poll, General Clark is now ahead of all Democratic candidates -- with support
from a stunning 22% of those polled (no one else is above 13%). Most exciting of all -- he is even ahead of President Bush himself: Clark 49%, Bush 46%."

It's on.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Hurray for the West Wing! Four years in a row.. and only four seasons I believe.. that's pretty damned impressive. I love you, Joshua Lyman.
My tv family, I hung out with them last night in my dream - I consoled Josh about something and stroked his hand.. he was mine. : )

Sunday, September 14, 2003

this is very interesting... could be bad news for Dean, but good news for the rest of us:

Friday, September 12, 2003
Michael Moore to Wesley Clark: Run!

A Citizen’s Appeal to a General in a Time of War (at Home)

September 12, 2003

Dear General Wesley Clark,

I've been meaning to write to you for some time. Two days after the Oscars, when I felt very alone and somewhat frightened by the level of hatred toward me for daring to suggest that we were being led into war for "fictitious reasons," one person stuck his neck out and came to my defense on national television.

And that person was you.

Aaron Brown had just finished interviewing me by satellite on CNN, and I had made a crack about me being "the only non-general allowed on CNN all week." He ended the interview and then turned to you, as you were sitting at the desk with him. He asked you what you thought of this crazy guy, Michael Moore. And, although we were still in Week One of the war, you boldly said that my dissent was necessary and welcome, and you pointed out that I was against Bush and his "policies," not the kids in the service. I sat in Flint with the earpiece still in my ear and I was floored -- a GENERAL standing up for me and, in effect, for all the millions who were opposed to the war but had been bullied into silence.

Since that night, I have spent a lot of time checking you out. And what I've learned about you corresponds to my experience with you back in March. You seem to be a man of integrity. You seem not afraid to speak the truth. I liked your answer when you were asked your position on gun control: “If you are the type of person who likes assault weapons, there is a place for you -- the United States Army. We have them.”

In addition to being first in your class at West Point, a four star general from Arkansas, and the former Supreme Commander of NATO -- enough right there that should give pause to any peace-loving person -- I have discovered that...

1. You oppose the Patriot Act and would fight the expansion of its powers.

2. You are firmly pro-choice.

3. You filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of the University of Michigan's affirmative action case.

4. You would get rid of the Bush tax "cut" and make the rich pay their fair share.

5. You respect the views of our allies and want to work with them and with the rest of the international community.

6. And you oppose war. You have said that war should always be the "last resort" and that it is military men such as yourself who are the most for peace because it is YOU and your soldiers who have to do the dying. You find something unsettling about a commander-in-chief who dons a flight suit and pretends to be Top Gun, a stunt that dishonored those who have died in that flight suit in the service of their country.

General Clark, last night I finally got to meet you in person. I would like to share with others what I said to you privately: You may be the person who can defeat George W. Bush in next year's election.

This is not an endorsement. For me, it's too early for that. I have liked Howard Dean (in spite of his flawed positions in support of some capital punishment, his grade "A" rating from the NRA, and his opposition to cutting the Pentagon budget). And Dennis Kucinich is so committed to all the right stuff. We need candidates in this race who will say the things that need to be said, to push the pathetically lame Democratic Party into having a backbone -- or get out of the way and let us have a REAL second party on the ballot.

But right now, for the sake and survival of our very country, we need someone who is going to get The Job done, period. And that job, no matter whom I speak to across America -- be they leftie Green or conservative Democrat, and even many disgusted Republicans -- EVERYONE is of one mind as to what that job is:

Bush Must Go.

This is war, General, and it's Bush & Co.'s war on us. It's their war on the middle class, the poor, the environment, their war on women and their war against anyone around the world who doesn't accept total American domination. Yes, it's a war -- and we, the people, need a general to beat back those who have abused our Constitution and our basic sense of decency.

The General vs. the Texas Air National Guard deserter! I want to see that debate, and I know who the winner is going to be.

The other night, when you were on Bill Maher's show, he began by reading to you a quote from Howard Dean where he (Dean) tried to run away from the word "liberal." Maher said to you, so, General, do you want to run away from that word? Without missing a beat, you said "No!" and you reminded everyone that America was founded as a "liberal democracy." The audience went wild with applause.

That is what we have needed for a long time on our side -- guts. I am sure there are things you and I don't see eye to eye on, but now is the time for all good people from the far left to the middle of the road to bury the damn hatchet and get together behind someone who is not only good on the issues but can beat George W. Bush. And where I come from in the Midwest, General, I know you are the kind of candidate that the average American will vote for.

Michael Moore likes a general? I never thought I'd write these words. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I want to know more about you. I want your voice heard. I would like to see you in these debates. Then let the chips fall where they may -- and we'll all have a better idea of what to do. If you sit it out, then I think we all know what we are left with.

I am asking everyone I know to send an email to you now to encourage you to run, even if they aren't sure they would vote for you. (Wesley Clark's email address is: None of us truly know how we will vote five months from now or a year from now. But we do know that this race needs a jolt -- and Bush needs to know that there is one person he won't be able to Dukakisize.

Take the plunge, General Clark. At the very least, the nation needs to hear what you know about what was really behind this invasion of Iraq and your fresh ideas of how we can live in a more peaceful world. Yes, your country needs you to perform one more act of brave service -- to help defeat an enemy from within, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, an address that used to belong to "we, the people."


Michael Moore

Lottery # 275, U.S. military draft, 1972

Conscientious Objector applicant

i'm a little excited now... i'm off to look him up and maybe send him an email. frank, your thoughts?

Saturday, September 13, 2003

you'll never guess which movie i'm about to endorse...

Once Upon a Time in Mexico is freaking awesome. Johnny is fall over hilarious. Violence is excessive and ridiculous and cartoonish and great. Go quick.

i'm sad about john ritter and johnny cash.

Monday, September 08, 2003



oh man

Sunday, September 07, 2003

The Secret Lives of Dentists is great, everything I expected it to be. And, BY THE WAY, if you haven't been swayed by me straight into that miraculous wonder that is THIS AMERICAN LIFE (linked on this very page), do so now and find joy and deep thought and maybe, just maybe...a little tearful soul searching. yessir. I love that to bold things on blogger requires them to put "strong" in front and behind everything... lol... STRONG!! i want this word to be STRONGer!!! boy oh boy.

Friday, September 05, 2003

it's never over... my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder...

all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter

i'm gonna pretend i'm a columnist and bold everything properly in this episode of... melo's sordid life:

The Secret Lives of Dentists is FINALLY out now.. anyone who wants to see it with me, speak up.. new johnny depp movie in 7 days, 5 if i feel like sneak peaking.. my big exciting movie release that i'm in knots over: Intolerable Cruelty, Oct. 10, directed by the Coens, starring George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones, watch that preview and tell me it's not going to be brilliant.. oh yes. i wanted to see Le Divorce but then it got bad reviews by all reputable sources and i'm just not sure any more.. how sad.. the main coup was it got me thinking it was the new robert altman but it's not, it's the new james ivory, not exactly the same thing - still, have you seen The Remains of the Day?? it was fantastic. altman didn't die did he??, imdb assures me he is still alive, tho he was born in 1925, which makes him.. quite old. he probably should've gotten the oscar for gosford park. poor guy. he's good. Short Cuts was good, kind of long and chris penn freaks me out a little, but we got to see julianne moore's bush for like 4 minutes, interesting give and take. OK LET'S EXPLORE ROBERT ALTMAN...
we'll go backwards
Gosford Park - v. good but doesn't have that extra funny umph that gets me going, but tremendous even still, oscar nominated
Dr. T and the Women - excellent! weirdest ass movie, in the greatest way.. hilarious and touching.. love it love it love it
Cookie's Fortune - i thought this was another movie when meghan flocken and i saw this in the theatre and it was just incredibly strange and we were caught offgaurd, and that was the night i met michael yardley, a boy who's slightly haunted me, so it was all very memorable. later that night we had a debate about religion and i was arguing the christian side because i was then and he would later draw a characiture of me as the weeping christian asking "what would jesus do?" and hand it to me at the SCC career day that i did nothing at. : ) good times.
The Gingerbread Man - never saw the whole thing, tho tried one night because it has robert downey jr. and i was obsessed with him then.. that's all i can give you. it's about murder or something
Prêt-à-Porter!! - french for "ready to wear"- AH! i love this movie! tho my once and only viewing was in 7th grade but i remember a lot of it very clearly - julia roberts and tim robbins fighting in hotel bathrobes and then having make up sex, the fashion world, everyone and their mother is in this movie, and everyone and their mother ends up having sex or making out at the end! gay kissing witnessed by me in front of my mother in 7th grade, boy the significance of that is outstanding! it's great fun! i have "pret a port" written on my board right this second because i was reminded of this movie recently and want to see it again and wasn't sure exactly how to spell the french, but wanted to look cool like i knew french, all to my family of course, who knows, i didn't know this was an altman classic until just now.. excellent..
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle - he produced this, i forgot, but i love love love this movie, got me into dorothy parker as you may remember, and now leads me into lustful embrace of campbell scott as i run to The Secret Lives of Dentists.. love this movie
Short Cuts - his most famous maybe, like 2 hrs and 45 min long, a cast of a thousand stars, great in a way that paved the way for movies like Magnolia, 45 different-yet-connected plot lines and such
Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean - this of course i saw in my james dean craze, it's a movie made out of a play about this group of women and one gay man who becomes a woman who were all obsessed with james when he was killed and they reunite to talk about it and have drama.. altman apparently is a dean man after my own heart, because he also did
The James Dean Story - a great documentary in 1957 that i saw minutes after starting my james dean craze and it may have actually started my craze because it first introduced me to this tortured side of him that i grew to love so much.. it's incredibly affecting.

that's about all i've seen but he also did the 1980 Popeye with Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall and he made his mark with the movie M*A*S*H which apparently led to the tv show, which, i hear, was quite popular for a while...
oh and get this, he produced another great: Afterglow, which i've loved since seeing it on bravo a few years ago, it's super sexy and sad and wonderful, directed by alan rudolph, who directed the Secret Lives of Dentists! see how the world is? we're all connected, man.. alan also did mrs. parker and a film version of vonnegut's breakfast of champions, which most fans hated but i loved at the time, before i'd ever read a vonnegut book.. so who knows, i need to see it again.

now why would anyone actually make it through all of that stuff above? because they really understand me and care about me. that's why. if you're at all familiar with commander coconut who writes that column on the front inside cover of the calendar section every friday, you'll understand how similar we are and how i could very easily take over that job when he wants to quit.. we are cut from the same.. tree.. ...what is the end of that saying?? cloth? i have no idea right now.

right now, just to continue going on about myself and my interests because it rarely happens anymore and some may be in withdrawal, i'm really into rage against the machine - particularly calm like a bomb, wake up, and the ghost of tom joad. they were a great band. what is zach doing now? song and video i still love and completely am not tired of yet: beyonce's crazy in love. jonah loves it too and i have a feeling he'll come up with a too-cute cover and make everyone giggle at shows. Cee Lo's Closet Freak is one of the coolest songs ever.. talk about funk. U2 could become my religion, you know? i completely cried in the car yesterday while singing along to "where the streets have no name". rufus wainwright's "poses" is a great song. radiohead's b-side "cuttooth" is super awesome. and blur's "crazy beat"! and duran duran's "come undone"! and the beta band's "dry the rain", which you may remember from that memorable High Fidelity scene. i realize now that i've never, i don't think, seen Gross Point Blank outside of tv edited versions.. i should maybe rent that and see if i'm missing anything real big. i love the scene where he's staring at the baby at the reunion. i love you, john. you big tall man.

okok i'll let you go, but thanks for amusing me. i spent about 10 minutes bolding everything just now.. imagine that.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003


i'm gonna make straight A's again this semester like nothin

i may have permanently injured my weiner dog's leg as a result of my leaving him unattended outside for a moment to watch george clooney on ER and now he limps off and on and this is all reminiscent of the time i thought my puppy would hurt himself if i slid him down the slide of our little playhouse so instead i just dropped him to the ground from about 5 feet up, spraining or breaking his leg, i forget which. this was when i was about 5. i still feel bad about that. george clooney and bad logic.

speaking of, george has mercifully popped up in about 90% of my dreams this summer. it's unbelievable. we made out in one. so essentially i've made out with george clooney, because you know i have excellent sensory perception in dreams, the sense of touch is particularly acute. goddamn. and, surprisingly, will has popped up in quite a few as well.. will, you're stalking me in my dreams.. or i'm stalking you in them.. i'm not sure.. it's a little unnerving. my subconscious mind is apparently obsessed with you. wtf? and stop changing back and forth into george clooney! pick a shape and stick with it. that is all.