narcissistic ramblings

Friday, January 23, 2004

wow so the money is like - gone. that's amazing. but hey i finally have a dvd player. went to circuit city the one day frank doesn't work apparently. and bought bras (!) a much needed thing, and they're fanfreakintastic. a good bra is hard to beat. god bless em.
still need flea/tick medicine for the poor weener dog. and have yet to buy sushi. if anyone knows of a cheap good sushi buffet type place to replace Oriental Buffet i'd like to know where it is.
meanwhile, i might be dying. and my nails are painted. it lasts forever on my toes but only for a matter of hours on the fingers. how do people get it to stay on? it comes right off when you.. well, gnaw on it.
jordan and i are into opera music hardcore right now. jordan's all into Yo Yo Ma. Andrea Bocelli rocks my socks off. and there's this amazing song from something by Puccini called Nessum Dorma that everyone should download.
also, i have this nifty ad zapper thing i've started turning on but you still get plenty of pop up ads and really it just restricts me from opening up second parts of webpages in new windows.. so that's fun.
i'm really really really looking forward to Monster this weekend. probably friday night or saturday afternoon if anyone wants to come. everyone's giving it 5 stars.
i'm writing a quick paper on the political parties in Iceland right now. they're pretty 50/50 liberal/conservative too. can't win em all.
for all lewis black fans, my brother is writing up a short message to be spoken over the intercom on senior night at his soccer game and it may include "if it weren't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that last year in soccer". and also maybe "i like my women like i like my coffee... covered in bees." should be fun.
i miss y2k. i can't wait to send bush to mars. pray for dear rover. the nearest stars are 25 trillion miles away. it takes 200 million years for light from the nearest galaxy to reach us. i love MadTV. and the Cure. and stalling.


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