narcissistic ramblings

Saturday, May 08, 2004

right, completely forgot other major life event.. since i have experienced so little physical pain in my life i consider this a major life event anyway: at my kennel job on monday i was playing ball with a labrador retriever, key word retriever, obsessed with the damn ball, simon is his name, and my weak arms can't throw a tennis ball so far so i thought, in my silly little head, why not punt the ball? it may go farther. gosh! so i drop the ball and kick, only, hey, simon is obsessed with the ball, he thinks i'm just dropping it, so he goes for it as i'm kicking, full on kicking, and i full on kick him in the face as i kick the ball.. the ball flies, he flies after it, completely unphased, jesus it was hard tho i can't believe i didn't hurt him. but wait, it's not the dog that's hurt, it's me! my foot feels like it's been shot.. just huge waves of pulsing pain all through the foot, wow, i look down and there's a hole in my jeans above my shoe.. i can barely walk but i stumble over to the chair and it hurts like hell to take my shoe off and shit, there's a bloody hole in my sock. that fucking dog's fucking tooth went through my fucking jeans, my fucking shoe, my fucking sock, and into my fucking foot. right on top of the foot. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. so that hurt. again, dog is fine, there's a hole in my foot. it hurt realll reall bad for three days and then i apparently slept on it wrong and that leg had a half-charlie horse for two days and in the middle there i got checked up at the UCF clinic and got a tetnus shot and then my arm started hurting, and then i got a crick in my neck and that was hurting, and then my tooth started hurting, lol, so for a minute there i was completely falling apart. this type of stuff really makes you appreciate good health.. it's true what they say. sure you can be suicidal and going crazy but somehow that all falls to the backdrop when your body gets a new hole! so if there are any teeny-tiny-penised-foot-fetishists out there.. wayheyhey.


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