i just ran into aneesha but couldn't say hi because i'd forgotten her name and then looked here and found it and verified my need to put people's names here. let's talk about school:
school is going to be good this semester. i'm taking interesting classes. it was supposed to be that i'd take three interesting classes and one gen ed class, but one of my interesting classes (race and enthnic minorities in the U.S.) is not so interesting because it's taught by this white chick grad student who is TRES boring and completely unenthusiastic.. ugh.. But, my gen ed, macroeconomics, is taught by this 50-60 yr old firecracker lady with short spiky hair who is very loud and enthusiastic and is going to tell us all about the economic implications of the upcoming war.. woohoo. did you know that if we attack iraq and sadaam burns up his oil fields the price of gas in this country will be $4.60 something? fun!! so she's cool.
there are a surprising amount of white people in my race class.. i think they're all just trying to impress their girlfriends. i ran into the fledgling frat-boy republican today. on our cards we made her with our info on it he asked "why is today's white america being punished for the wrongs of the white america of centuries ago?" and she gave him the website for the american civil liberties union (she was giving us all websites to review), which he laughed at, because it was apparently a simple answer to a difficult question.. i asked him what the ACLU was all about and he laughed that i wasn't familiar already.. oh boy. alright i just looked up aclu.org and it's basically an organization defending the constitution and the rights of every downtrodden person "for the past 80 years".. they sound nice.. nice and liberal. i have a feeling conserva-boy will not be appeased.
world lit II is going to be a hell of a lot of reading but i'm into it, i read anyway, they'll just be supplying my reading matter - the prof is a 30ish white guy who was definitely a big dork in high school but he's ruling the school now.. geeky little funny asides on the syllabus include: if you must leave class early, alert me beforehand and then, at an opportune moment, storm out of the classroom in disgust. aww.. he should be cute.
existentialism is where the real magic happens.. i have a friend in there, sara gudrey, whom i haven't seen in a year or so.. and we had this fun assignment first day that helped us meet people and they're all a bunch of cure fans and social rejects, it's so cute, they're all very nice, and now i know like 6 of them.. so that's awesome. the prof is another 30ish white guy who's semi-cute (i didn't think they really existed), it's his first teaching year, he's lived in sweden the last 10 years, he knows like three other languages, so that's neat. he's very intellectual, though, which might mean pretentious, we'll see.. either way, he's very enthusiastic, the people are cool, i'm excited. let the dark contemplation begin!
need to go spend hundreds on books now and eat chick fil a very quickly.. i need one of those self propelling devices that you just stand on and it moves how you lean.. those things are fucking amazing.. jordan and i saw one at epcot, they cost $200 to rent.. oh boy.. and to buy, well...anyone have $5000? the magic number. ok bye.
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