the thing about being a good person is this: doing good has never been selfless, as Friends has ascertained. we all do good, to some extent, because it makes us feel good. we can't get around that. so it's just a matter of whether you're the type of person who wants to make yourself feel good by doing things for yourself, or doing things for others. go do something good for somebody. it'll make you feel good.
all this dawson's creek is making me a creek fan again.. i'm so smitten. axel, this must be addressed to you, i apparently missed like two seasons between like the 3rd or 4th episode and whenever joey and pacey get together for the first time.. man. this new andie story line may make me hate her less. i remember really being annoyed with her back when this was all first airing. are you watching these reruns? tape them and watch them later, it's a lot, but it's so fun - TBS m-f 8am-12noon. oh boy. and that roswell guy you like so much is in some of these early episodes! he has incredibly slanting shoulders and his ears are too pertruding for me, but other than that he's lovely. and we have scott foley too (noel from felicity), who has also recently split from wife jennifer garner.. cover me, i'm going in.
trent reznor says he wants to fuck everyone in the world.. and he wants to fuck me like an animal.. so i'm like, "ok trent, cmon over". the fragile is a fantastic little (2 disc) cd.. alan you need to get into them. you like all other forms of angry whiny metal type music, and these guys are better than most of those other bands, so you must like them. and they're so musically interesting. and sexual. it's fantastic music. it's nice because now that i'm more emotionally mature than, oh, 9th grade, i can enjoy all this depressing music and not become a depressed teenager. hootie hoo. (does anyone remember hootie hoo?) i don't remember if i told you this already, but that nin song "we're in this together" (which you may remember was a single in like 9th or 10th grade) sounds very much like stabbing westward, so you may want to download it and slowly get into them.. it's all a part of my plan.. other fantastic songs include, but are not limited to, ruiner, eraser, reptile, starfuckers (obviously), mr. self destruct, somewhat damaged, where is everybody, no you don't, i do not want this, and the wretched. hootie hoo.
i'm thinking lately that i want a rabbit. i saw one on mad about you last night. that was a really good show.
everytime i go to city hall to pay the water bill i can never find a parking space, but the damn mayor's spot is always open... one day.
this is a fantastic article that had even my dad thinking a little bit:
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