well dammit he didn't show up. this is the second time, and i'm going to kick his ass, and he's going to apologize profusely. dammit. three times a week for an hour is not enough for me here. i want to see several people in that class more often, outside of school, i want to hang out with these people, it was so nice the first time we studied together, and, you know, i don't have a lot of friends on campus so i'm maybe a little over-eager.. i just don't want this to turn into a ny people thing where i got to spend all this time with these incredible people, who really i have much more in common with than a lot of my older friends anymore, and then i just don't get to see them again when said event or class is over. this is sad. i need more friends. friends that are in town and that i can see on a regular basis. not that i have much free time to see anyone. yknow that's a cop out, i do have time, most weekends and mondays are completely free, and spring break is coming up - you know what, i'm getting greg's cell phone number tomorrow before the test and i'm going to hang out with him and whoever else in class over break. i am. that was another nice thing, he asked for my number..tho this may just have been to confirm any info about the study session that was today.. he's not called it to my knowledge, i should've asked for his then, it's very useful to have these people's numbers when they're not showing up somewhere you expect them. i've called and play-yelled at this kid ryan numerous times, he gets times mixed up, i have a slightly flirty/competitive relationship with him, it's interesting. he has an iMac as well..it's philosophy kids, i swear. ok wish me luck with my endeavors, including my big scary existentialism essay test tomorrow afternoon. goodbye.
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