narcissistic ramblings

Saturday, March 02, 2002

my head is a very strange and condensed mixture of queer as folk, cigar smoke, wanting to smoke more cigars on a regular basis, and josh hartnett and shannyn sossamon getting each other off with flowers in what is without a doubt one of the sexiest scenes i've ever witnessed in a film.. more inspiration for classy porn, jot it down.. my cigar butt is in a bag in the pocket of my jacket and my hands (freezing) were always in my pocket during this movie and i kept taking my hand out and smelling it and after a while it was not nausea but some kind of good feeling..i want more i said to myself.. so this is sort of addiction.? i don't care. just reminds me that i wouldn't last a second trying to kick any real addiction, like nocotine or the like..i'm such a wimp. i cop out every single time and say "is it REALLY worth it to deny myself this?" and i conclude that it's not and that's it.. i have no self control whatsoever. there you go. jacob struble is really cool, doo dah doo dah..
i feel i slightly ignored alan.. or maybe alan thinks i slightly ignored him.. only because my attentions were stretched so with axel and's difficult.. still a little terrified of seclusion..hmmm..c'mon baby stop your crying..i love that song.
i wish axel's parents would go out of town more often so we could all spend the night there all the time.. with air conditioning and less mosquitos - look for screaming red bumps any day now.
axel, what is your favorite thing about sight?
alan, what is your favorite thing about touching?



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