go here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox_searchlight/i_heart_huckabees/ and watch the trailor for i heart huckabees.. this movie looks hilarious. it's gonna be fantastic.
school starts in a couple days and i have to start remembering french and thinking creatively and speaking publicly and figuring out how to get everyone to and from work and school with one car AH! it's crazy and i'm nervous. my brother has to spend over $500 on books. jeezy creezy is right. and you know i just remembered there's this little presidential election going on.. what the hell.. how is one supposed to keep up with that when there's all this other stuff to do? so i have no idea what's going on with all that. i'll be showing up for election day and that's about all i know. i wonder if fahrenheit will be out on video by then... that would be good campaigning. ok nothing else new is happening really. next episode: "Oh my God I'm back at school".
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