narcissistic ramblings

Thursday, February 12, 2004

dammit frank. god i'm so conflicted here. this is great, this is amazing, i'm so happy for you, i have this image in my mind of where everyone will be in ten years and you're going to be in this incredible job doing all of this incredible stuff and making all this money and you will be IMPORTANT and SUCCESSFUL and i have no doubt about this and that's just phenomenal to me. it's what makes the separation worth it, because i know you deserve this more than probably anyone else and shit you're so damn good at what you do and this feels actually very much like a destiny thing, which you're so lucky to have lemee tell ya because the rest of us are often just floundering around to find some sort of voice and here you've not only found your's, you're using it. i love that. but oh i've just gone and screwed myself getting all close to you when i knew you would leave sometime soon, and this is exactly what i'd do too if i were you - florida is suffocating, literally, and as much as you love friends and family, there's this drive in us that we get maybe from watching movies that makes us want to just venture out and DO SOMETHING with our lives and i really hope i get on that train soon because it's one of those things that if you wait too long you just never do it i think, but here you're doing it, and that's wonderful, and maybe you'll get the ball rolling for the rest of us and we'll do it. because as much as we feel like we're still kids, we're not really. and i kind of hate that, but you can show me the better side of all this by going up there and kicking new york's ass. i just hope i don't lose touch with everyone again because sometimes i feel like you're the only one i can feel comfortable with and just talk to at these parties.. but maybe i'm wrong about that, i hope so. just, shit, it's going to be very uncomfortable for a while, but don't worry about that, just feel cool that you had that effect on someone. and i will most certainly be coming to new york in the next few months to visit. everyone will say it but i will do it. promise. not for your benefit, of course, but for mine. i miss that place and i really really mean it when i say i want you to show it to me. so work hard, and never fear because hopefully we'll get a steady flow of visitors up to you every couple of months or so. this is great, frank. your mother is incredibly proud of you.


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