my dog can't poop in the rain. it's funny.
oh man i've found another pointless waste of my time.. oh but it's so good. there's this cartoon on BET called Hey Monie and it's hilaaaarious, it's so natural and perfect and within like 3 minutes i had complete love and affection for the characters. it appears to only exist monday nights at 11:30, so go watch it then and report back with your feelings. i was overcome. i think you can guess i don't often find fantastic entertainment on BET. well well.
good lord, ebert has given The Passion his full four stars... "Note: I said the film is the most violent I have ever seen. It will probably be the most violent you have ever seen. This is not a criticism but an observation; the film is unsuitable for younger viewers, but works powerfully for those who can endure it. The MPAA's R rating is definitive proof that the organization either will never give the NC-17 rating for violence alone, or was intimidated by the subject matter. If it had been anyone other than Jesus up on that cross, I have a feeling that NC-17 would have been automatic." for the rest, go here.
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