i'm revisiting modest mouse because marianna reminded me how great and singable they are on the car ride home and as we sat in the ampitheatre parking lot for literally an hour without moving an inch, it was hilarious. modest mouse is a great band. there were then conjured up all these memories of meghan flocken and built to spill and howerton's journal requirement, which were in two different years but apparently modest mouse was powerful enough to last thru both of them because i was obsessed with cowboy dan because it challenged god in this weird way i hadn't thought of before and i used to write the lyrics out everywhere at school, including the howerton journal, which i don't think she made a comment about. yknow i got away with an enormous amount of pages at the end of that thing by just writing out tons of poetry i loved from that great outlaw american poetry bible alan got me and she commented all to hell on those and i knew she would because i knew the beatniks and the controversial kids would call out to her because she was a PRETENTIOUS ASS WHO DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME WHEN I CAME TO VISIT/ASK HER WHERE DR. WARNER WAS WHEN DR. OVERBAY DIED that fuckin asshole, who does she think she is? she acted towards me like she thought i was just the most special thing on the planet when i was in her class. i'm pretty sure she was a lesbian under the veil of feminism. is everything about sex?
hey i had maybe the most sexual dream i've ever had in my life about jon stewart of all people last night. yeah. it was cool though. he wasn't jon stewart the daily show host but he was jon stewart the famous guy still and i saw him on the street as we were both heading to the same.. i dunno, class, meeting, something, and i said some little witty thing that wasn't meant to draw him in but to just make him aware of my appreciation for him and he responded with more than i expected, in that he fell back and started walking and talking with me (as in he was walking in front of me before) and this was all in my old neighborhood in winter park, and we get to this destination and i get to sit nearer to him than the other girls who all want his attentions but i'm one step ahead because we got to be friends on the walk over and so that's great. so this is also perhaps a sleepover thing and jon and i end up sleeping in chairs or maybe a couch next to each other, either way sitting upright, and under this big blanket ! of course, everything in the world happens under blankets, doesn't it? so he really catches me offgaurd, i thought we were just being friendly but he starts making advances and well, it just snowballs. all this time of course i'm aware that he is married in real life. do we see the patterns? melody? stop that? he wound up being a selfish lover, however, which is strange because i really wouldn't imagine him being that way in real life.. he is too self conscious. and a sweetheart. could it be that he was actually meant to represent someone else in my life? hmmmmm but it was just strange because why jon stewart? where is george when you need him and when he's been haunting me for months? i mean yes i love jon, i think he's super sexy, i'd love to be his life partner if he ever gets divorced and we happen to bump into one another on the street, but i don't obsess and lust over him per se... like other people... so who knows? do you know? i don't know.
random modest mouse quotes:
"everyone's a voyerist, they're watching me watch them watch me right now"
"the universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you were"
"a wild pack of family dogs came running through the yard and as my own dog ran away I didn't say much of anything at all.. a wild pack of family dogs came running through the yard as my little sister played; the dogs took her away, and I guess she was eaten up, okay"
"cowboy dan's a major player in the cowboy scene, he goes to the reservation, drinks, and gets mean, he goes to the desert, fires his rifle at the sky and says 'god, if i have to die, you will have to die'"
"and the television's off.. go to the grocery store, buy some new friends and find out the beginning, the end, and the best of it, well do you need a lot of what you got to survive? here's the man with teeth like god's shoeshine, he sparkles, shimmers, shines.. let's all have another orange julius, fix her up, stand her in line.. the malls are the soon-to-be ghost towns, well so long, farewell, goodbye..."
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